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Palestine is a climate justice issue – Israeli apartheid is not “green”November 21, 2019 / By Palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC) / Palestinepalestine-climate-justice-factsheet.jpgClick to download and print this Fact Sheet. Below is a text-only Fact Sheet with hyperlinks to sources. Palestine is a climate justice issue – Israeli apartheid is not “green”The catastrophic climate crisis is fueled by global inequality and engineered by complicit governments and corporations that put profit before people and planet. Everywhere, the least powerful are the most affected.Indigenous Palestinians living under Israeli occupation and apartheid, with no control over our land or natural resources, are highly vulnerable to the climate crisis. With Israel monopolizing resources, rising temperatures are exacerbating desertification and water and land scarcity, and creating climate apartheid.Multinational corporations like AXA and HSBC, that invest in fossil fuels, are complicit in Israel’s oppression of the Palestinian people.

They invest in companies arming Israel, financing its illegal settlements and pillaging Palestinian land and natural resources.Israel’s blockade of and wars on Gaza poison life thereSewage has infiltrated Gaza’s aquifer and is flowing into the sea.97% of Gaza’s scarce water is unfit for human consumption.Polluted water is a leading cause of child mortality in Gaza.Israel prevents Palestinians from using 20% of Gaza’s arable land and targets Gaza’s farmland with herbicides.The UN says Gaza will be unlivable by 2020, if not so already.Israel is stealing and destroying Palestinian land and water

Sorgente: Palestine is a climate justice issue – Israeli apartheid is not “green” | BDS Movement

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