0 2 minuti 5 anni

Occupied Jerusalem (QNN)- Israeli Magistrate’s Court on Wednesday ordered to empty a building, owned by Palestinians in the neighborhood of Batn El Hawa in occupied Jerusalem, and grant it to Ateret Cohanim settlement association.

Wadi Hilweh Information Centre and the Batn El Hawa Committee said in a joint statement that the Israeli court ordered to empty the building, which is owned by the Odeh and Shweiki families.The statement said that the Israeli court rejected appeals made by both families, in which they provided proof that they own the building.The court gave both families until next August to empty the 2-story building and its store.The Israeli settlement association plans to steal 5 dunums and 200 metres of the Palestinian neighbourhood and expel native Palestinians from the area, claiming that it was owned by Yemeni Jews back in 1881.Share this:

Sorgente: ‘Israel’ orders to empty Palestinian building in Jerusalem in favor of Jewish settlers – Quds News Network

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